But I love…

That he’s finally passed the 7 lb mark!!
The way he smells after a bath.
How he’s stopped crying during sponge baths and diaper changes.
When he falls asleep on my shoulder.
Kissing the soft spots on his head.
The way his bottom lip curls under when he’s really unhappy.
All the songs I get to sing to him when he’s awake or cranky.
Stroking the top of his head to settle him to sleep.
Watching him turn his head to look right at me during a good burping session.
Feeding him.
Seeing him react to lights, music, and especially his musical giraffe.
How his breathing sounds when he finally settles into sleep.
Extending his hands and wrists while he’s feeding.
Watching him kick his one free leg as a form of self expression.
Zerberting his belly during diaper changes.
Hearing my 95 year old Pappa call him “Smart Aleck”.
Tallying the vote of whether he looks more like me or Craig.
Seeing the color of his eyes change right before our eyes.
Listening to Craig cooing at him while getting him dressed for bed.
Noticing the crinkle in his ear, seeing his eyelashes getting longer.
Being called “Mom” by all of the doctors.
Saying out loud, “My son”, and having it mean something.

What do you think?