It’s hard to believe it was almost 11 months ago that I was preparing for a big day myself, with a very similar check list. Hair done, check. Nails done, check. Bag packed, check. Bracing myself for 3-4 days at the hospital, check. Really bracing myself for a total lack of sleep when we come home, check. This time I’ll at least be very familiar with the baby I’ll be bringing home, but I can’t help but shake the feeling I don’t necessarily have what I need, or know what I need to do to get him through these next two months. How do we diaper him? How does this new car seat work? How do I hold him? What clothes can I put on him? How do we feed him in this thing? Asking a lot of similar questions that we asked before we first brought him home. We’re even staying in the building next door to where he was born so we already know the best way to get there.
I’ve got a suitcase packed with a few clothes for me, but mainly things to keep Aleck happy. A stuffed sun that plays music and lights up, his favorite stuffed animals, pacifiers, and books. He might be totally out of it the entire time we are there, or he might be really happy to wake up to see some familiar things in a totally unfamiliar environment. Pacifiers are cleaned and ready and will be close at hand for when we go to recovery. I can’t help but flash back to when Aleck had his tendon cutting. When they brought us into recovery the nurses looked relieved to see us. He was screaming his face off, it was the only noise you could hear in the entire room, and I could barely make a dent in his sour mood. Just energy it took to calm him was exhausting and that was practically nothing compared to what’s going to happen.
Now, don’t get me wrong, we’ve been talking about this surgery since he was born, ready to do battle with any doctors that told us it wouldn’t be worth our while, we knew we had to give this a chance. Getting this hip back in place will be huge for his future mobility, and though he might never crawl, or scoot, if he can walk we are golden. But it’s all very nerve wracking. He’s going to be under anesthesia, which carries risks of its own. We don’t know if the open reduction will go according to plan, they might have to put in a metal plate, loosen up a tendon, whatever it takes to make the outcome a success. Either way tomorrow is going to be a really long day.
The surgery is at 7:30AM, we need to be there at 6AM, so I’m going to keep this short and try to get as much rest as possible. If I can’t make this blog work from my phone I won’t be updating here so please check Facebook for the best updates. You can check under me or Craig, Craig might be best, and you can also go to my Lynn Renee Photography Page on Facebook for a general update as well.
Please send your loving thoughts and well wishes to carry us through.
Lynn, Craig, & Aleck