Welcome to Our New Site

It’s been quite a rough couple of weeks and I’ve been dying to share with everyone the new set of challenges we’ve been facing recently, but I wanted to do it on our brand new site for all things Aleck Persin!!  What I love about having this blog is that you can see our photos here, you can see our videos here, users can leave comments about individual posts if they have something to add, some advice to give or just want to lend some moral support.  You can also leave general notes in the guestbook here and if you make a donation here it will go directly to Aleck’s care, whether it’s medical bills, formula, prescriptions, diapers, clothes, food, feel confident that the donation is going to Aleck to improve his quality of life.  I will be working on importing all the love we got on our Caringbridge site to this guest book, but in the meantime feel free to start from scratch and keep cheering us along on this journey.

If you have any issues with this site, error messages, you aren’t getting notices of new updates, etc., please drop me a line directly and I’ll work it out with my web designer.

And now let’s give three cheers for our web designer and loved cousin Fish, married to Alicia Hirshfield Zhao and living in Indonesia we still managed to pull this together while he traveled the globe.  Fish is a web designer and you can check out his work here: moomoohere.com

So please take a moment and sign up to follow us here.  There will be a second blog today regarding his upcoming hip surgery, a very frightening visit with his pediatrician, fighting off the stomach flu and pink eye at the same time!!  It’s been quite a few weeks.

We are looking forward to exchanging ideas and hugs with you at our new site, smartaleckpersin.com




Lynnie, Craig & Aleck

4 Replies to “Welcome to Our New Site”

  1. Excited you are up & running! No idea how you managed to get this done with everything you are juggling. You are a magic mama!

  2. I am going to love this website not just because it was designed by my favorite web designer ad son-in-law, Fish, but because it is about three of my favorite people I care so much about: Lynn, Craig and the cutest little one, Aleck!

  3. Lynn and Craig,

    Last night I read the smart Aleck blog. Please send me your home address.

    And, by the way, Aleck is a beautiful baby!


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